cetecom advanced

NTRA certification for market approval in Egypt

An NTRA certification is the basis for a market approval in Egypt.

The Egyptian National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) is responsible for approving wireless technology products for the Egyptian market. The requirements for market approval are set out in the specifications of the Egyptian Telecom Regulation Law no. 10/2003.

These specifications are based on the regulations defined for CE approval, so that test results and certificates already created for market approval in the EU can be reused. Thus, local testing in a laboratory in Egypt is not required, nor is a local representative. The approval, for which manufacturers have to schedule between six and eight weeks, is processed directly with the authority in Egypt and is permanently valid. Therefore, for unchanged products, no recertification is necessary.

Since a national Egyptian certification label is not defined, the NTRA specifies the use of CE marking as a confirmation of market approval for the Egyptian market. The display of the label on the product, the packaging and in the user manual is defined as mandatory.

As CETECOM, we offer our customers all the services required for the approval of the Egyptian market. As an ISO 17025 accredited laboratory, we can perform CE based testing for a NTRA certification in our laboratories. Throughout the entire testing and certification process, we take over the project handling and coordination with the Egyptian authority for you, thus ensuring an efficient approval process and rapid approval for the Egyptian market.

On our website you will find more information about our full product testing and certification services. You can also find further information on the specifications for NTRA certification and the associated certification label, as well as many other approval regimes in our certification database CETECOM CERT.


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