Thailand: NBTC issued guideline for consideration of radio frequency for IMT conformity assessment

The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) of Thailand has released the formal notification “Guideline for consideration of radio frequency for IMT conformity assessment” in which the NBTC specified that WWAN user equipment supporting 2G/3G/4G/5GNR bands must support full bands in accordance with either the NBTC Notification regarding IMT frequency plan or as per 3GPP standards.
Therefore, the NBTC will not accept type approval applications for WWAN user equipment using partial bands in Thailand.
For products that support partial bands which have been approved previously, NBTC has verbally confirmed that their certificates are still valid and NBTC will not withdraw impacted approval certificates.*
However, NBTC may request that certificate holders of equipment using partial bands ensure that the equipment displays information making the user of the equipment aware that partial bands only are supported.
Further information about the market approval in Thailand can be found on the corresponding subpage or in CETECOM CERT.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:
*The topic remains subject to confirmation by NBTC in a written form.