Efforts to increase the frequency range for radiated emissions

There are currently efforts at the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) – one of the world’s largest standards organizations – to extend the frequency range for radiated emissions to higher frequencies up to 40 GHz.
The background to this is that the current frequency limit of 6 GHz for the emitted emission of ETSI EMC standards is not sufficient to cover interference emissions at higher frequencies. It is therefore necessary to develop regulations to control the higher frequency digital noise in order to ensure EM compatibility, in particular in the future 5G frequency bands in the millimeter-wave range.
In this context, the following points have been mentioned as central:
- Requirement specification
- Measurement methods
- Test site specification
- Uncertainty analysis
It is important to stress that this is currently only a discussion at ETSI and not a binding change. For manufacturers of virtually all electronic equipment, however, this would mean that new tests would have to be carried out, even for products that are already approved.
If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us directly: https://cetecomadvanced.com/en/contact/