The best of two worlds – CTC advanced GmbH and CETECOM GmbH merge to form cetecom advanced GmbH

CTC advanced GmbH, based in Saarbrucken, and Essen-based CETECOM GmbH with its international subsidiaries will merge to form cetecom advanced GmbH on January 1, 2023.
Both companies have been among the absolute know-how carriers in their industry for 25 years. The service portfolio of the two entities, which together belong to the RWTÜV Group, coincides in many accredited areas and additionally complements each other with further services. The merger creates a company with a comprehensive range of diverse high-quality laboratory and certification services under one roof. Existing resources are perfectly utilized, thus increasing the performance and efficiency of both companies in the interest of their customers.
This merger creates cetecom advanced GmbH, which will be a global leader in the field of testing and certification of electronic products with or without radio interfaces. With locations in Europe (Essen and Saarbrucken), Japan, Korea and the USA, as well as a representative office in China and the combined experience of the two companies, cetecom advanced GmbH will be able to serve customers even faster and more flexibly.
What will change for you as a customer?
You will continue to benefit from our excellent services, but will also profit from the synergies resulting from our merger:
- Global presence with access to international expertise
- Increased technical capacities
- Expanded service portfolio
- Higher number of experts in the teams
- Short-term availability and even more flexibility for desired test arrangements
- Full digitization for fast and comprehensive service
The two companies began to set the course for a successful merger at an early stage. Discussions among teams, with authorities, accreditation bodies and partners are initiated, partially well advanced or even already completed. Thus, all customers can be sure that new but also ongoing projects can be carried out and completed in the course of the merger without delay or interruption – regardless of the project‘s start date.
„The merger enables us to bundle our joint resources, strengths and capacities,“ explains CETECOM Managing Director Jens Passe. „In the interests of our customers, we can thus offer an even broader portfolio of services from a single source,“ adds CTC advanced Managing Director Andreas Ehre.
If you would like more information about cetecom advanced GmbH or have any questions about our merger, please feel free to contact your CTC advanced | CETECOM representative directly or contact us at | Tel. +49 (0) 681 5980 or | Tel. +49 (0) 2054 9519 0