Brazil – Anatel updates the electrical safety standard for telecommunication devices

Certification of electronic products for the Brazilian market is based on approval by the local authority Agência Nacional De Telecomunicações, or ANATEL for short.
ANATEL recently published the new Act 17087, which will replace the Act 950, updating the electrical safety standard for telecom devices. It will become in force in 1 year (Dec 27th, 2023) and the main changes are related to new marking requirements, small adjustment in the acoustic shock testing level, updated definitions and updated reference standards. In general, the testing levels remains the same, only Protection against Acoustic Shock had its level reduced.
Summary of the main changes:
- Includes the definition of End user and consumer of telecommunication service (General Public), herein treated as user: any person who uses and/or has contact with the product and who does not have specialized technical knowledge about the telecommunication equipment and who is only interested in the job of its functionalities and in the consumption of telecommunication services;
- The Safety testing is applied to all telecommunication devices intended to be installed where the end user has direct, unrestricted and unlimited access to the equipment. Example: interior of buildings (residential and commercial), interior of vehicles or aircraft without restricted access;
- Protection against Acoustic Shock testing level reduced from 1.5kV to 1.0kV. This testing is only applied to devices with that has an external telecommunications port (ex. PSTN, FXO port) and electroacoustic transducer intended to produce audible sound and intended for direct coupling to the user’s ear;
- Devices directly connected to the mains power (AC), the equipment marking must show the nominal voltage, current and/or power and frequency values. For those devices connected to the main power through an external power adapter sold with the equipment, the markings mentioned above must be shown on the power adapter label;
- Devices powered by battery that allows its replacement by the end user must have the instructions to perform this procedure in its user manual;
- The warning for Class I equipment can now be inserted in the user manual, so manufacturer can choose to add it on the product label or in its manual. Whereas Class I equipment relates to telecommunications equipment whose protection against electric shock is obtained through basic insulation and the connection of the equipment to the grounding system of the building where it is used.
- Mobile phones sold without a power adapter; the user manual must contain a guideline alerting to use only power supplies homologated by ANATEL.
More information on Anatel certification for market approval in Brazil can be found here.
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