Our EMC Testing services

In our ISO 17025 accredited laboratories, CETECOM offers EMC testing according to various international standards. In our laboratories in Germany and the USA, CETECOM has a large number of EMC testing capacities in order to run customer projects as flexible as possible:
- Five 3 m EMC (semi- or full) anechoic chamber
- One 5 m EMC semi-anechoic chamber for cars
- Two open field test sides/OATS (Open Area Test Side)
In order to provide our customers with the greatest possible capacity, flexible shielded rooms are also available.
EMC test reports of CETECOM are recognized by official bodies and regulators around the world and are based on a variety of international harmonized EMC standards. The testing services of CETECOM refer to all current international EMC directives. Amongst others, these include the following:
- Radio Equipment Directive (2014/53/EU)
- EMC Directive (2014/30/EU)
- Regulation UN ECE-R10, UN ECE-R97, UN ECE-R116
- EMC standard IEC 60601-1-2, 4th edition
As a technical service for EMC – designated by the German Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) – CETECOM offers testing services in accordance with UN-R10 Series of Amendments 05 (Appendices 4-6 and 11-16).
More information about our extensive range of EMC testing services can be found here
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us directly: