Accreditation for China Unionpay

The Chinese version of the internationally recognized credit card brands is Unionpay (中国银联), also known as China Unionpay and CUP.
It is the only Chinese credit card company and is the result of the merger of all Chinese banks. With a market share of approximately 45%, the Unionpay brand, which was established in 2002, is currently regarded as the largest credit card company in the world.
More than 181 nations accept Unionpay as a form of payment, and Unionpay cards are accepted at practically all stores and ATMs in China’s mainland.
We are really thrilled about extending our service portfolio of well-known international credit card schemes with this Chinese brand.
Thanks to our Unionpay accreditation for terminal and SoftPOS, terminal manufacturers and kernel developers in these areas can also rely on our testing and approval of their device or solution in the future.
What are the benefits we offer for you:
- Unionpay certification within Europe
- Direct contact to the lab (in-house)
- Fast availability of test slots
- Reliable and quick approvals
- Your personal contact person in German, English and French language
We will be happy to advise you on our testing and approval options in the payment sector.
Do not hesitate to contact us: