A2LA accredits CETECOM to perform eCall testing services in Korea
CETECOM now also offers accredited eCall pre-testing in Anyang, Korea.

We further expand our eCall testing services as we are now able to offer eCall pre-testing services in our laboratory in Korea.
The A2LA just recently accredited our laboratory in Anyang, Korea offer eCall testing services according to the following standards:
- eCall end-to-end Conformance Testing according to EN 16454:2015 (exception: Chapter 9.6 – 12.4.9 Annex B – E)
- Pan-European eCall end-to-end and In-band Modem Conformance Testing; Prose Test Specification according to ETSI TS 103 412
- eCall HLAP Interoperability Testing according to ETSI TS 103 428
With our already extraordinary expertise in the eCall type approval process and the years of technical know-how required to carry out the necessary tests for approval, we are still your number 1 contact when it comes to eCall type approval.
You can find more information about our eCall service portfolio here.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us