Mexico revokes import permits and restores normal approval procedures

As a result of Mexicos’s decision to cancel two import permits issued during the Covid-19 pandemic, the country’s import procedures have been restored.
On May 25, 2023, The Ministry of Economy (SE) issued a resolution (DGN.191.01.2023.1221 / DGFCCE.516.2023.1345), nullifying the following resolutions published by the General Directorate of Commercial Facilitation and Foreign Trade (DGFCCE) and the General Directorate of Standards (DGN):
- Folio 414.2020.827
Originally published on March 26, 2020, this permit allowed products to be imported after March 27, 2020, provided that applications were submitted to a Certification Body (OC) or Verification Unit using a provided folio number by the EC.
- Folio 414.2020.963
Originally published on April 14, 2020, this permit allowed products imported after March 27, 2020, provided that applications were submitted to a Testing Laboratory using a provided folio number by the Laboratory.
The DGFCCE and the DGN have taken this measure because the circumstances that justified the implementation of these permits during the pandemic are no longer valid. As a result, the permits that are currently registered in the Aduana-Normas system will expire on August 23, 2023.
The competent authority has officially announced on May 25, 2023, that the exceptional facilities for customs clearance of goods subject to compliance with the Official Mexican Standards (NOM), which allowed the use of only a formal application form, have been declared invalid. This is due to the fact that the Conformity Assessment Bodies have resumed their normal operations and the circumstances that led to these temporary facilities no longer prevail.
Consequently, permit applications must be submitted to the Conformity Assessment Bodies within 30 business days of the official notice’s publication, which means by July 6, 2023. . After this date, the import permits that have been properly registered on the corresponding official portal will expire on August 23, 2023.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you are unclear what these changes in Mexico mean for your product: