Mexico – New administrative requirements for market approval defined.
The requirements will become valid in 2021.

A new conformity assessment procedure (PEC) for telecommunications and broadcasting products was published in the Mexican Official Gazette on 25 February 2020 and will enter into force next year. The new requirements are of a more administrative nature, but will certainly have an impact on the process of market approval in Mexico:
- The use of digital media for communication between conformity assessment bodies, the IFT and those interested in attestation of conformity or test reports will be increasingly facilitated in order to simplify the market authorization process.
- When the new regulations come into force, holders of conformity certificates must also receive the corresponding IFT approval certificate.
- The new rules also stipulate that certificates of conformity issued are only valid in relation to their holder and are not transferable. This mainly affects the import of products, as Certificates of Conformity are only valid in relation to their holder. This means that each importer must present his own IFT certificate and his respective chain of custody to customs.
If you require further information on market approval for Mexico, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us: