Recorded version – Webinar about cybersecurity options for devices with radio technologies

Digital networking in particular makes applications and components of mobile or static IoT devices vulnerable to attacks. To access a networked device, three main targets are attacked: the device itself, the network and the infrastructure (app, cloud). However, the security of the networked environment, for example in industry, can prevent such external access or IoT attacks.
cetecom advanced is the first test laboratory to receive ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation from DAkkS (German Accreditation Body) for the new cyber security standards for consumer IoT devices (ETSI EN 303 645 and ETSI TS 103 701).
In this webinar, that originally took place on webinar on February 15, 2023, we would therefore like to present a wide range of options for testing and certifying the cybersecurity of products with radio technologies:
- CTIA Cybersecurity Certification Test Plan for IoT Devices
- ETSI EN 303 645 and ETSI TS 103 701
- Cyber Security Certified (CSC)
- Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/30 (RED Article 3.3, points d, e and f)
You can find the recorded versions of the webinar here:
- English version: Cybersecurity – Options for devices with radio technologies
- German version: Cybersecurity – Optionen für Produkte mit Funktechnologien
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