411 Dixon Landing Road Milpitas, CA 95035 USA
Phone +1 408 586 6200
Fax +1 408 586 6299
E-Mail mail@cetecomadvanced.com

CETECOM, Inc., headquartered in Milpitas, California, in Silicon Valley, has more than 25 years of experience in testing and certifying products with cellular and short-range radio technologies, as well as audio.


Our Test Services and Capabilities

Our focus is wireless test services and standard certification tests to speed your product to market.


Our laboratories and offices occupy a facility of approximately 45,000 sq. ft. At this site, we have:

  • OTA chambers
  • EMC labs
  • Audio including full anechoic and ETSI-type facilities
  • Wi-Fi chambers
  • SAR chambers


Our Certification Services

Based on nearly three decades of successful approval handling and long-standing contacts with official approval bodies worldwide, CETECOM can test and certify according to regulatory requirements for almost every market efficiently and cost-effectively.

In view of the wide range of countries for which we certify our customers’ products, our certification team consists of multi-national specialists with a high level of expertise, covering a multitude of languages and governmental processes.

In addition, our certification team includes our own internal certification bodies: