RN. 221, Dusanventuredigm, 415 Heungan-daero, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si Gyeonggi-do, 14059 Korea
Phone +82 (0) 31 321 2988
Fax +82 (0) 31 478 4653
E-Mail mail@cetecomadvanced.com

Founded in 2005 as the Korean subsidiary of CETECOM GmbH, CETECOM Limited is a testing and certification service provider that supports its customers in Korea in preparing their products for the various markets of the world.
We help our customers to achieve their goals and enable market access by performing the necessary tests and managing the entire certification process from start to finish, so that you can quickly bring your product to the target markets.


Our test services and testing capabilities

In our laboratories, we can carry out a wide range of tests for various technologies. These include among others