Recorded version: Webinar on the cybersecurity requirements

The topic of cybersecurity has been relevant for products with radio technologies since 2022 at the latest with its inclusion in the Radio Equipment Directive (RED) and manufacturers must fulfill the requirements in RED Article 3.3 (d), (e), (f) – or EN 18031-1, -2, -3.
In this webinar, that was originally held on December 10, we will address this topic and go into detail on the topic of cybersecurity in the RED. In particular, we will focus on the manufacturer’s perspective and highlight the procedural approach to obtaining the type examination certificate. Among other things, we will also look at technical documentation in accordance with EN 18031-x and the existing assessment criteria (conceptual assessment, functional completeness assessment, functional sufficiency assessment).
We are again offering the free webinar in two language versions.
- English version: Cybersecurity conformity of radio equipment according to the Radio Equipment Directive
- German version: Cybersecurity Konformität von Funkanlagen nach Radio Equipment Directive
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: