cetecom advanced

Your career

cetecom advanced offers numerous opportunities to enter a future-proof working world, to successfully continue your previous career path and to develop personally. Discover our currently advertised positions and become part of cetecom advanced.

Whether as part of our sales or project management, as a technician or engineer in our laboratories or as a specialist in the field of certification. We offer you an employment in a worldwide expanding company. With us, you will work with the latest technologies and the innovations for tomorrow.

At the same time, we offer entry-level opportunities for a wide variety of life situations, levels of experience or skills.



You are looking for a part-time job alongside your studies that provides plenty of practical experience and is ideal as a supplement to your lectures.

We might have something to offer:
– not just earning some money
– students jobs with technical challenges
– internships
– working with professionals in real projects
– bachelor / master thesis
– personal progress in useful projects
– part-time employment
– working in your dedicated team

Young professionals & Apprentices

You want to enter the professional world after your studies where responsible tasks are guaranteed right from the start and yet are not left alone?

This way:
– entry in a great career path
– accompanied by team mates
– applying your knowledge into real challenges
– great variety of different jobs
– many paths to final your passion
– good overall package with attractive working conditions
– a part of the success from the beginning on

Experienced professionals

You are an expert in your field and looking for a new challenge.

Then we have just the right positions for you:
– high grade of responsibility
– we trust in each others capabilities
– working closely with our customers experts
– more than “just a job”
– good overall package with attractive conditions
– springboard for you as an expert


Location Saarbruecken


Location Essen